November 2020


2021 Farming Predictions: Data-Driven Solutions to Increase Yield Potential


With tight margins, regulatory uncertainty and unpredictable weather conditions, 2020 had farmers seeking the most efficient inputs to maximize their ROI. Fungicides played an increasingly important role, not only in managing disease, but as a way to protect fields with top yield potential.

Dry conditions this season pushed an increased number of growers to seek new tools and to try new practices. Revytek™ and Veltyma™ fungicides were the ideal option for growers looking to protect corn and soybeans from drought, heat and disease. By increasing antioxidant production in the plant, these fungicides allowed the crop to focus on growing efficiently and creating yield.

While fungicides are sometimes viewed as an optional input by growers, that mindset is changing. Increasingly tech savvy and intuitive growers are embracing fungicides as a way to protect their investments.

They’re watching trial data, what neighboring farmers are doing, and how others are reaching maximum yields. They’re watching, which shows all of this information in real time with unfiltered results. Almost 2,000 farmers have participated in the RevX Fields program to date.

The performance speaks for itself. Revytek fungicide beat the untreated check in 42 out of 44 trials, with an average win of 5.4 bu/A in low disease pressure areas and 8.4 bu/A in areas with high disease pressure¹. Veltyma fungicide consistently beat the untreated check, with an average win of 11 bu/A.¹ With the help of Veltyma and Revytek, yield records were shattered in 2019 with 616 bushels per acre in corn and 190 bushels per acre in soybeans.

Veltyma and Revytek are powered by Revysol® fungicide, the first and only isopropanol azole. They can conveniently be tank mixed with other fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, liquid fertilizers, biological control products, adjuvants and additives².

2021 holds many unknowns, but an increase in use of proven solutions like Revytek and Veltyma are predicted to help protect maximum yield potential.

For more information on Revytek or Veltyma fungicides, please reach out to a local BASF representative.

¹ Internal BASF fungicide trials

²See label for details. Consult a BASF representative or local agricultural authorities for more information on use of additives or adjuvants with this product.

Always read and follow label directions. Revytek and Veltyma are registered trademarks of BASF.