September 2021


2022 Success Starts Now

Image of man looking at a map

With harvest quickly approaching, now is a good time to follow up with farmers. Start the conversation about what went well, and what didn’t, to improve next season. A head start now will pay dividends and start next year on the right foot.

Ask questions and talk specifics about how they timed their herbicide and fungicide applications. Take notes now — those notes will set you apart from your competition later when you make your plan for next season. Basically, get it all down when it’s fresh in their minds. And remember, you’ll simultaneously be planting the seeds of 2021 crop protection.

For your own records, consider building a book of examples, then compile the stories, results and observations from all the valuable data you’ve collected. Look for patterns in successes that you can use next season when consulting with customers. Don’t be afraid to challenge your farmers’ current practices. One of your best tools in sales is the ability to share stories of success from farmer to farmer in your area. That way, you’re also instilling confidence that what you recommend is working in your region and proving your credibility.

Remember to pat yourself on the back for a job well done. This season was challenging, but your patience and persistence has paid off. BASF recognizes your hard work, and we’re more committed than ever to being your trusted resource. We want to hear how this season has gone for you, your plans for next season and what questions you might have. We welcome you to reach out to us with your stories, questions and comments.