April 2021


Discover Fungicide Experiences and Trial Data


You have a farmer interested in fungicides, but not quite ready to take the leap. How do you help?

Direct them to RevXFields.com.

RevX Fields was revolutionary when it launched. Now, RevXFields.com 2.0 is on the way, with more features than ever.

Here, you and your farmers will find a newly updated site packed with the information you care about most. Over the last two seasons, BASF has prioritized making fungicide performance data more accessible and easier to see. RevXFields.com features over 2,000 full field comparisons between BASF Plant Health products, competitors and untreated checks.

This updated platform provides a well-rounded and tailored experience for growers looking to learn more about what BASF fungicides can do in their fields. More than yield data alone, the program has engaged farmers who have a story about why fungicides and BASF make for different and rewarding experiences. The updated site will highlight a collection of personal, first-hand farmers’ experiences.

RevXFields.com is not just for education, but also a sales tool. Farmers consistently wish they had applied fungicide across more acres on their farm at the end of the season. Don’t let your customers regret skipping a fungicide application this season. Consider recommending the site to customers to start the fungicide conversation.

Explore local results and learn more about RevX Fields now.