December 2021


Ag Trends to Expect in 2022

Ag Trends to Expect in 2022

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Change is constant in agriculture. To no surprise, two constant themes of change in agriculture are new technology and solutions for climate change. With 2022 right around the corner, let’s look at this year’s top ten predicted trends.

  1. Increased use of aerial imaging
    Already being used by many growers across the country, the use of aerial imaging will continue to expand. Drone technology and satellite imaging allows farmers to keep an eye on fields to determine crop variations and how to manage problems such as pest and disease. Many farmers have mentioned how aerial imaging has improved their accuracy and efficiency in the field and in return, increase profits.
  2. Field mapping
    Field mapping allows growers to look at every angle of their field and look for growth opportunities on every acre. This technology can help growers understand different types of data such as soil health and nutrition, slopes, water, and irrigation systems. The information can help farmers make better applications during the season to maximize land use. Field mapping specifically can help growers understand what pesticides and water management practices are best for their fields. Visit to see local data in your area.
  3. Data integration
    Growers can apply data integration into several of their technology tools and platforms to help improve farming methods. Data types such as input cost and weather conditions can be imported into producers’ technology to help make profitable decisions throughout the year. The data can help growers make real-time decisions and adjustments when needed.
  4. Digital Information and Meetings
    Covid-19 pandemic shifted the way people interact and conduct business. Even farmers have seen an increase in virtual meetings, signing paperwork online, or buying parts online. Virtual meeting platforms are cost-effective and help keep farmers at home farming, instead of spending time on the road.
  5. Predictive yield analysis technology
    Growers are now able to predict the yields of fields before harvest using new artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This allows farmers to search the market and find buyers and sign contracts prior to harvesting their crops which typically leads to increased profits.
  6. Localized weather information & data
    Instead of checking the news for general area weather predictions, farmers can now rely on in-field sensors that allow real-time wind, rainfall, and temperature readings. The data can help inform growers when to plant, spray, and harvest.
  7. Water management strategies
    Water management has been a hot and important topic in the industry for the past few years. According to NOAA, costly and extreme weather events including heavy rainfall and droughts continue to increase. These drastic weather events can impact crops. To help mitigate risk, growers can use water management tools such as wireless soil moisture sensors, remote irrigation pivot controls and online irrigation scheduling.
  8. Precise nitrogen application
    Growers continue to focus on precise application strategies, especially when it comes to nitrogen. Technologies such as crop sensing and input control systems help growers meet their nitrogen needs without over-applying fertilizer, which in return decreases input costs.
  9. Regenerative agriculture expansion
    Consumers in recent years have continued to express concerns about climate change and weather volatility, which has encouraged many growers and organizations to practice and promote regenerative agriculture. In other simplified words, regenerative agriculture is the increase in soil carbon sequestration, examples of these practices include reduced tillage and use of cover crops.
  10. Indoor farming
    Some companies have focused on indoor farming to produce specialty crops for more local markets. Indoor farming has become popular in more urban areas that are lacking the acres needed for a typical farm. As companies explore this option many have found it to increase yield potential and allow for growing all year round.

Stay ahead of the game
As growers get ready for the upcoming season, knowing industry trends can help them continue to grow their business and be more efficient. This year, be the expert for your farmers and help them make smart decisions and increase profits by promoting new trends and tools for them to use this season.