May 2020


How Innovation in Crop Protection Can Change the Typical Fungicide Conversation

April 2020 Article 3 art

BASF Revysol, the first and only isopropanol-azole, is an active fungicide ingredient that has been developed to meet the needs of agriculture in the 21st century. Farming is not getting any easier, but our powerful new active ingredient is proven to perform in high pressure environments, bringing farmers the greenest fields with the highest yields. Its game-changing formulation technology is setting a new standard in the industry and will be the proven choice of farmers of the future. This powerful ingredient is changing the conversation around fungicides – for you and your customers.

When introducing BASF Revysol to farmers, we need to help them understand what they are going to experience and how its performance will be different from any fungicide they’ve applied before. Three words will help you tell the Revysol story: Broader. Stronger. Longer.

Broader Spectrum

Stronger Activity

Longer Residual

The Revysol Difference

You have been asking for a flexible fungicide that’s simple to use and makes life easier. BASF listened, and Revysol delivers:

Revysol has set a new standard in the fungicide market. Let’s work together to help growers understand the new benefits they can expect from products like Veltyma, Revytek, Provysol or Cevya in the Revysol fungicide family.