April 2020


Improving sales through storytelling


When selling fungicides, do you focus on technical features and yield data with customers? Although important, this is really only an effective strategy to get a customer to switch products. Do you think that this information can be confusing or even overwhelming to a customer?

Would you like to implement some of the above strategies but require support? If so, please reach out to your BASF Business Representative! We have the skills to help and are committed to working together.

Over 90% of all farmers have already tried fungicides in their operations and because almost every retailer leads with the same message, they have already come to the conclusion that all products are the same. This makes it an ineffective sales strategy for introducing fungicides and new brands.

Studies have also shown that on average, people forget 50% of new information an hour after they hear it. So, it’s important to think outside the box and look at different ways of approaching sales.

Storytelling is one of the best strategies for standing out from the crowd and driving results. Telling stories that customers can relate to and engage with on an emotional level will drive a higher success rate than a focus on data.

Before you sell with a story, you need to understand where a farmer is on their journey. Ask farmers questions about their business so you can tailor a product recommendation to their specific needs. Share anecdotes about farmers in similar situations who have benefitted from using our fungicides. These strategies will lead to better, long-term relationships with your customers.

Not since the introduction of Headline® fungicide has there been a more exciting fungicide launched into the market than the Revysol® family of brands including Cevya®, Provysol™, Revytek™ and Veltyma™ fungicides. If you are having a hard time growing the treated acres of fungicides or getting customers to truly see the value, you are in luck. All summer long we’ll be sharing industry-leading tips and tricks in each edition of Retail First to help you grow your sales relationships, discover new strategies for improving your farmers’ bottom lines and most importantly increase your sales.