August 2021


Diseases: It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Talk Disease Management in Soybeans

sun rise over farm fields

Shockingly, only about 40% of farmers know that fungicides can increase average yield by 2.5 bushels or more for soybeans. It is critical to help farmers get the most out of their soybean crop, and continuing the fungicide conversation is important, because it’s simply never too late or too early to talk fungicide applications and disease management.

Plant health matters
Soybeans retain more blooms and pods when a fungicide has time to do its job. Farmers will see the highest return on investment when they spray before disease symptoms appears and soybean plants enter reproductive stages. Seize the opportunity to have conversations about applying a fungicide upfront to control disease and help soybean plants maintain plant health to handle environmental stressors.

Sneaky late-season yield robbers
Just when a farmer thinks they’ve made it past the window for soybean disease, sneaky late-season diseases rear their ugly heads. For example, northern leaf blight becomes active as temperatures begin to cool.

If soybean disease hits at specific soybean growth stages, yield can be impacted. Diseases like Cercospora leaf blight, frogeye leaf spot, and tar spot can impact yield if plants are between R3 and R5. This is a particularly critical time for you and your farmers to be walking and scouting fields for foliar disease to make crunch-time foliar disease management decisions.

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