March 2021


Outside Expertise: Technology and the Sales Conversations


Converting sales is no small task. Converting sales during a pandemic is an even more difficult task. That’s where technology comes into play, helping bridge some of the gaps from more limited in-person contact. It also can help set up general good habits for leveraging technology in the overall sales process.

Embracing the Basics — Emails, Social Media and Websites
When it comes to leveraging technology in sales, consider emails, social media and websites the low-hanging fruit that everyone should lean in to. They may already be a regular part of your sales efforts, but can be harnessed to make your job easier and more efficient.

Instead of relying on conversing with customers during valuable daylight hours, spark interest over email by sharing information and asking questions. You will build a stronger foundation and an engaged audience who will be more receptive to the solutions you offer.

Social media creates a similar opportunity to not only create dialogue with potential customers, but also create visibility and establish yourself as an industry expert. Doing so can help you build a following that allows for real-time interactions and a sense of accessibility.

Overall content, such as what appears on your website, is also key. While you may not control your company’s website, you can look for opportunities to drive potential customers to it through your other outreach efforts.

Bringing Presentations Online
Today’s sales presentations don’t have to be in person. There’s a plethora of online presentation platforms and tools available to optimize your sales presentations for the digital age. Most of these offer online and offline editing options, include engaging audio and video features, allow for collaboration, and provide accessibility across multiple platforms. Another benefit of online presentations is the ability to quickly and inexpensively customize the information to your target audience.

Leveraging CRM Tools
Customer relationship management (CRM) tools help build trust and create ease of communication with your farmers. To make sure they get the information they need at the right time, consider leveraging these tools in your business. A CRM strategy may include scheduling emails and automated texts, gathering data on your prospect’s business (and personal) interests, leveraging data to create customized client outreach, and establishing/tracking metrics to determine what success looks like throughout the selling cycle.

For more tips on making the most of your sales conversations, check out next month’s Retail First newsletter.