July 2020


Over Half the Business for 2020 Is Still Not Committed. Who’s Getting It if You’re Not?


Today, it’s known that 40% of farmers are using a fungicide to treat 80% of their total acres. These statistics might cause you to pause and think: Do I know what percentage of my customers are using fungicide? Do I know how many acres those farmers are treating? And do I know who among those customers might be high quality prospects?

Asking yourself these questions will help you identify farmers who are currently using a fungicide, but perhaps not treating the majority of their acres, which then creates a sales opportunity. Approaching a farmer with the benefits of BASF fungicides, including their proven performance against current disease pressure coupled with their wide application window, can help you reach your sales goals faster.

Knowing Revysol® solutions have proven performance against a number of key diseases, you can confidently recommend Veltyma™ fungicide – featuring Revysol®. And because Veltyma provides faster curative and secure residual performance across a broader application window for better disease control, including tar spot, proven plant health and the strongest yield response in corn, your advice can very well earn you the acres and business you deserve.

Revytek is a true game changer for farmers who want to be confident they’re getting the most out of their soybean fields. With a 5-to-6 bushel/acre yield increase 99% of the time over untreated fields, Revytek will keep soybeans performing at their peak. Revytek fungicide also allows farmers to visibly see the plant health benefits and control of the diseases that matter most, like frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, target spot and Asian soybean rust. It’s the ideal fungicide for farmers who want to win in the soybean field right now.

Bottom line, let any of BASF’s new or established brands make you the farmer’s hero and the solution for the retailer who doesn’t want to leave money in the field.

Revysol® and Reytek® reg. trademark of BASF Group