January 2021


Reviewing RevX Fields in Your Area


Weathering the storm may be one way to get through a challenging situation. But taking proactive measures may be a more effective way for growers to prepare for next season.

Because localized information is so important when it comes to growing conditions and agronomic decisions, BASF created RevXFields.com, a large-scale demo program featuring more than 2,000 on-farm trials across the country. RevX Field trials show how Revytek™ and Veltyma™ fungicides perform in your area and on real farmers’ fields. The site features local, relevant and transparent data to help retailers and their growers’ make better and more informed fungicide decisions.

Revytek and Veltyma are premixes with multiple active ingredients, one of which is Revysol® fungicide. Revysol is a unique fungicide active ingredient that allows for fast uptake and curative activity, enhancing binding strength and providing exceptional activity under high disease pressure. Both Revytek and Veltyma offer a broad range of disease control, stronger curative activity and longer residual performance. Revytek posted an impressive 6 bu/a yield increase over the untreated check across 141 RevX Fields in 2019, while Veltyma averaged 11 bu/a across 172 fields – a 93% consistency. As 2020 results continue to roll in and be tabulated, the winning streak for these fungicides continues to meet expectations.

To better understand how these fungicides can perform in varying local conditions, the Grow Smart Advantage tool provides customized estimates of results and profitability.

Being BASF Plant Health brands, preventative applications of Veltyma and Revytek are proven to deliver Plant Health benefits like mitigating environmental stress, optimizing growth efficiency, boosting plant productivity throughout grain fill and maximizing yield.

While we can’t predict exactly what the 2021 season will bring, we can give you and your customers better, more local fungicide information and an array of fungicide options to better combat whatever disease or weather the year brings.