September 2020


Take action now! Start harvesting the financial results from this year’s season.


Consider this: Following up with this year’s customers right now can reap many financial rewards down the road. First, by reaching out now you’ll be creating another touch point with farmers. And second, getting a crop protection plan in the works today will secure your place as their go-to advisor and retailer.

Two Quick Tips for Fast Action

  1. Build a book of results and observations from the valuable 2020 season data you’ve collected. And since everybody loves a book with pictures, make sure to include photos. Snapping a few shots of healthy, green fields treated with fungicide, along with fields that weren’t treated and show it, will provide an excellent side-by-side visual for your farmers. They won’t soon forget how profitable those thriving acres looked. If you’re looking for advice on how to capture photos that persuade, search no more. We have tips for that too!For the latest stats on BASF Fungicide performance from the 2020 season, check out:
  2. Try out some of the new avenues of communication that have become so popular and effective. Take a few minutes this week to create an email distribution list of your clients. Then click here to get a list of sites that will assist you in creating and sending marketing emails to your customers. This is a simple way to reach out and get results.

Remember, the actions you take now can have huge payoffs later. Contact your BASF account contact for more tips and advice on reaping the rewards of this year’s sales. We have knowledge and experience that can greatly benefit and simplify your endeavors to increase your business.