January 2021


Top 6 Tips for Selling in a Digital World


When it comes to selling in a digital world, it may seem the cards – or algorithms – are stacked against you.

While face-to-face relationship selling is a cornerstone of agricultural sales, the digital evolution is pushing more and more of the sales process online. That transition has created its own set of Dos and Don’ts that can help salespeople succeed in a platform that doesn’t include the ability to see reactions, immediately counter objections and create natural connections.

As you plan your digital sales approach for 2021, consider the following reminders to help you get the most out of your digital selling experiences:

  1. Be Strategic and Content Oriented – On its face, email may seem like an impersonal, mass, blasted form of communication. However, if email is used strategically, including high-value content that shapes the conversation and a call to action that provides a variety of response options, it can be a sales opener. In addition, identifying smaller target segments can help you prioritize and personalize, leveraging things such as email automation.
  2. Follow Up – Just because you put a digital feeler out there doesn’t mean your prospect is going to instantly respond. Also, keep in mind it usually takes several attempts to schedule a meeting with a lead. Following up helps you know where you stand and/or where you are in the sales process.
  3. Don’t Do All the “Talking” – While digital outreach can help salespeople avoid dominating a phone or in-person conversation, it can still create a perception of dominance. Too often we tell the prospect what we think is important, rather than asking these questions of the prospect. By framing at least some of the information in the form of questions, you can help create a dialog, even online.
  4. Use Digital Tools/Platforms Wisely – When it comes to digital sales, not surprisingly there are a limitless number of apps, tools, platforms, etc. available. While not leveraging the power of some of these tools can result in wasted time by the salesperson, using too many and become overwhelmed by the tools themselves also can be counterproductive. Evaluate which tools best fit your needs, such as Grow Smart Advantage, starting small, and building from there based on key learnings and successes.
  5. Make Sure Everyone Is at the Virtual Table – When you start the sales process online, it can be difficult to tell whether you are working with the actual decision maker. Make sure you inquire about who else may be involved in the decision-making process, as well as what information they need to make a purchase decision.
  6. Don’t Just Rely on Basic, Standard Collateral – Relying on traditional presentations, printed materials and other “standard” sales materials in a digital world can set you back. Prospects have access to your website, your competitors’ websites and an unlimited amount of additional online resources when making their sales decisions. Instead, think of what additional information and insights you can share beyond the basics.

While in-person selling may still be part of your repertoire, it’s also important to be in the places your customers are, which includes online. Keeping in mind these tips can help you nurture your digital relationships for a successful 2021.