July 2021


If You Wait, You’re Too Late


By the time disease symptoms appear in the field, it will likely already have had an impact on yield. A planned fungicide application provides more consistent performance for maximum yield potential.

In fields with a history of disease issues, this is especially critical.

For disease to strike, three factors must be present: a pathogen, a susceptible host plant, and environmental conditions that bring the pathogen and host together. This is known as the disease triangle. If any of these three factors are missing, plant disease will not occur. However, when these factors come together, it can be like the Bermuda Triangle for crops — yield will disappear with little warning.

Scouting early and often is critical if growers choose to wait for signs of disease before applying a fungicide.

Even without disease, weather and environmental factors can take a toll on your crop. Wild weather has already struck many farmers in the 2021 growing season.

Farming is a volatile business. Growers understand the value of taking proactive measures to manage weeds, fertilize fields and market their crops. Fungicide applications, however, are often reactive decisions. Help customers see the value in a planned fungicide application.

The numbers speak for themselves. Visit RevXFields.com to view yield results in fields near you and show your customers what they could be leaving in the field.

BASF fungicides improve growth efficiency and increase photosynthesis, keeping plants greener longer. This protects yield potential by providing disease control and environmental stress mitigation through critical growth stages.

Start the conversation with customers now to determine what risks their fields face, potential benefits and if a planned application is the right move for their farm. Encourage a proactive approach, because if you wait, it could be too late.